Step 1
Complete the ISRMUN 2024 registration form. This Google Form allows you to select the number of spots your school requires and the types of committees your students would like to debate in. Please keep in mind that certain committees are for specific grade levels. The complete list of committees and topics can be found to the right. Registration closes on Monday, October 28th, 2024.
Step 2
Once registration has been completed, the advisor will receive a payment invoice from the email account. It will be titled “Estado de Cuenta.” An attached PDF document will contain your school’s unique bank details, such as the account number.
With this information, your school may:
Pay the fee at any Banorte or Afirme location. You will require a printed copy of the PDF to complete the payment.
Pay online via the Nemax platform. Your login information for this platform will be sent to you from the email address. The email will be titled “Nueva Contraseña / New Password.” Please note that payment by credit card generates an administrative charge of 0.60% + VAT on the amount due.
Alternatively, schools in the Monterrey area can complete the payment in cash at San Roberto International School, Campus San Agustín. Please contact the Secretariat at to arrange an appointment.
The final day to make payment is Friday, November 1st, 2024. Please note that spots will only be assigned once payment has been received.
Step 3
Fill in the assignment sheet. This Google Doc will be sent via email and contains a list of committees and countries assigned to your school. It is important to note that the names and email addresses listed on this sheet will be used on all ISRMUN-related materials, such as participation diplomas, award certificates, information emails, and more. All completed assignment sheets are due on Friday, November 1st, 2024.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I change my registration information after I submit the Google Form?
Yes. You may change your registration information after you complete the Google Form. Nearly all groups fluctuate in size after their registration. You are welcome to change registration information as needed until Friday, November 1st, 2024.
How do I know my submission has been accepted?
You will receive a confirmation email detailing your registration and the subsequent steps in the process. Additionally, our Secretariat and advisors will always be available to answer any questions.
Who can I contact to discuss a special accommodation that my school requires?
Please contact us at to discuss your school’s needs, and we will be happy to accommodate you.
Can I register as an independent delegate?
Yes. Students in grades 10 to 12 can register independently. Please use this form to enroll in ISRMUN 2024.